Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Freedom to Change

I think you all pretty much know who I like and who I follow. . .you can just go to my profile and find out the people I follow. . .but, every once in a while, I'd like to draw attention to those people who have inspired me. . .

Shout out goes here:  Freedom to Change

I love Sheila's posts.  .  .she is an inspiration. . .just get over there and check her out!

One of her quotes. . I hope she doesn't mind. . .

"One thing I know for sure is this: Happiness is not something that rest in the opinions of others, always remember that.You always have the freedom to change, but you have to find what makes YOU happy. When you find that, chase after it with all of your heart. Capture it, embrace it, remember it, and what ever you do, never let go. ~
This is who I am, and I am never letting go."

1 comment:

Freedom to Change said...

Thank you for this shoutout. I am very grateful that you have subscribed to my blog and that you appreciate my words.