Sunday, October 9, 2011

Language of the Heart

Back in, I'm guessing, around 1987, I had the great pleasure to go to Club Passim on Harvard Square with Ben and Lorie Blake to see Devonsquare.  Opening for them was David Wilcox.  It was a night I'll never forget.  David had one album out--maybe two. . .I'm sure Ben will correct me on all of this. . .

David Wilcox is such an American treasure. . .born here where I live in Mentor, OH. . .and went to Antioch College in Yellow Springs. . .one of my favorite college towns here in Ohio and home to the fabled Paul Rybolt. . .how bad can a town be?  Also home to the fabulous Winds Cafe if you ever get the chance. . .a great liberal town in the classic "hippie sense" of the sixties. . .but, back to David Wilcox. . .

He's a guy all acoustic guitarists look up to. . .so clean in his style and marvelous open-tuning. . .but, more than that. . .a poet in the finest sense of the word--a song craftsman. . .Language of the Heart is one of his best. . .

"I write songs with layers in them, so they stay interesting over the years." . . .David Wilcox. . .

This song has been around since 1989. . .twenty-two years later, I still find it interesting.  I hope you like it. . .

You can find David's website here:

Explore.  Go!

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